Saturday, May 5, 2012

Yard photos ~ the Great Urban Agrarian Take Over!

12 x 12 ft raised bed ~ pic taken from deck

Facing South East from the deck

Northeast wood shed etc

Wood pile and compost bin... look closely can you spot the 8 ft high wire fencing??

View from the north east corner looking south east, raspberry and rhubarb  bed on the left!  Stumps will be grinded out at some point this summer!
Leaning on the East fence facing West

North east corner facing south

Huckleberry bushes!

An old stump we chose to keep as it holds our laundry line. We plan to pull out the ferns and plant some strawberries in a decorative way... also have plans to attach a few 'fairy doors' for visual interest and crafts with the kids!

The beginnings of our 'Orchard!' In the foreground left corner our flowering plum tree, midground centre the grafted apple tree, barely visible directly behind the wheelbarrow is a hazlenut tree 5 ft high which was grown from seed by Nick's late Papa Brady!

Tomatoes in the back ground, kale on the very right and miscellaneous from the Farmer's Market!

Plans are to put another two 12 x 12 ft raised beds next year! Bring on the tastiness!

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