Saturday, May 26, 2012

Topsy, turvey...terrific! Aka LIFE!

Bit of a whirl wind week for me, lots of ups and downs as usual. A new friend (unknowingly) gave me a gentle reminder that I needn't get so panicked about things!

Can't seem to help it! For so VERY long Nick and I lived on pins and needles trying to get here to Comox! I can only describe it as trying to live and function in the neck of a bottle which is all shaken up! The pressure and longing and endless cleaning to sell a house was beyond comprehension!

I find myself here for some reason feeling those same pent up emotions for no particular reason. Hard to articulate to one's self and one's spouse. Harder still to remove the feeling!

This will be a difficult habbit to break but I am learning! ~  in baby steps

Nick bought me a surprise - a new outdoor swing...we're going to put it together tomorrow afternoon and hopefully just laze the afternoon away rocking with the kids!

Put up a couple of kids swings under the deck, brought out the kiddy pools and had several thorough splashing sessions! And we were lucky enough to pick up a train set AND a long slide from the Facebook swap'n'shop!

One of this week's missions is to build a ladder/ platform for the slide.

Ate our first salad out of the garden with butter lettuce and mizuna ~ DELISH! Can't wait to do it again!!!!

Made moose meat spaghetti and had friends over to enjoy it with! 

The laundry is endless as are the dishes and sweeping the floor. In fact I think I have LITERALLY eight loads of laundry to fold and put away tomorrow but we just didn't have it in us to do tonight so instead I'm blogging.

I've nearly finished refinishing a dresser set the in laws gave us for Ruby's room We also received a lovely housewarming present of a king sized bed! (Thank you) I slept with the dog, cats, Nick AND Eli in the bed that first night and really wasn't affected by how many bodies where sharing the bed!

Went to the farmer's market and bought 25 lbs ~ yes POUNDS~ of rhubarb to try our hand at homemade rhubarb wine. Quite excited -but apparently it has to age an entire year :(
I did run to Costco a few weeks ago to pick up a fabulous collapsable wagon for $70 - we'd seen a woman with one at the market and she told us where to purchase it. Well low and behold if we didn't have half a dozen people stop us and ask where to pick one up themselves! .... Ruby had fun riding in it but Eli is still too little - it'll be CUTE next year when they can both ride in it!

Nick re-fenced the veggie garden, the raspberry garden and the neighbours fence behind the woodshed. More than twice we found Gypsy on the OTHER side of the fence begging to come in for water - had absolutely NO idea she'd even escaped! Turns out she'd climb the wood pile, swan dive into the neighbours yard and use her aderondak chairs to escape over her fence into FREEDOM!!!

It is funny when I think about it!

Also swung by the Church this afternoon to check out the garage sale... picked up some really cool clip boards with built in bean bag underneath for a lap cushion ~ going to be SKOOKUM on road trips to the Grandma's houses!

Oh yes and we also picked up THEE most splendiferous, amazingly beautiful Easter Bonnet! Be prepared ~ the beauty will take your breath away!



 Or I'll just settle for moose meat spaghetti!

 Mummy just HAD to try on the sun hat to be 'beautiful!' ~ Thanks Ruby!

A glimpse into the daily grind!

Yummy veggies!

 Two toned, HOT pink night stand, with beautiful new hardware!


  1. you don't have to do it all at once wear me out just reading everything you do on a weekend..I can't imagine how tired it must make you....take the time to enjoy the kids and the sun eh?
